Monday, April 14, 2014

For children, - Islam and Gambling, Gambling Addiction Symptoms, Evils of Gambling, Gambling Story

4. Gambling turns people away from the remembrance of Allah and from
prayer, and pushes the players to have the worst of attitudes and
5. Gambling is a sinful hobby that wastes time and effort, and makes
people get used to laziness and idleness. It stops the ummah from
working and producing.
6. Gambling pushes people to commit crimes because the one who is
penniless wants to get hold of money in any way he can, even if he has
to steal it or take it by force, or through accepting bribes and
7. Gambling causes stress, illness and nervous breakdowns. It breeds
hatred and in most cases leads to crime, suicide, insanity and chronic
8. Gambling pushes the gambler to bad behavior such as drinking
alcohol and taking drugs. The atmosphere in which gambling takes place
is dimly lit and filled with cigarette smoke; people talk in hushed
voices and whispers, and sneak in and out as if they are up to no
good. They come in hesitantly, filled with suspicion, and gather
around the green table, breathing uneasily and with their hearts
pounding. They are supposed to be friends playing a game, but in
reality they are enemies, each of them lying in wait for the other and
trying to make gains at the expense of the other and his children. The
owner of the place tries to numb the feelings of all participants by
offering dreamy music, fallen women, all kinds of drinks and
cigarettes. The green table is surrounded with cheating and deception.
The waiters and girls may tell one player about another player's
cards, helping one player to beat another by means of nods and
whispers. Sometimes they achieve a kind of balance to make sure the
game carries on and people stay for longer. No doubt everyone loses in
the end; they lose the money they spend on drinks and cigarettes, the
money they give to the waiters, the money they spend on drinks for the
girls, and all kinds of other losses. Even the one who wins all or
most of the games loses all or most of his winnings, and the loser
loses everything. And at the end of the night, they all sneak away;
showing the signs of depression and humiliation, and the loser warns
the winner to look out the next day.


*- Online Translator -*

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