would not be able to achieve righteousness that results from
performingHajjunless he avoids sins and is cautious of committing
them. Although it is forbidden to commit sins and misdeeds at all
times, Allaah commanded the pilgrim to leave them entirely during the
days ofHajj, as mentioned in the verse that says )what means(:}Hajj is
]during[ well-known months, so whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon
himself therein ]by entering the state of Ihraam[, there is ]to be for
him[ no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during
Hajj.{]Quran 2:197[that is due to the honor of the time and the
greatness of the place.
Allaah The Almighty also said )what means(:}and ]also[ whoever intends
]a deed[ therein of deviation ]in religion[ or wrongdoing - We will
make him taste of a painful punishment.{]Quran 22:25[
How grave would the punishment be then for a person who actually does
evil and commits sins!
The attitude of people duringHajjreveals a lot of evildoings and
mistakes that result from the lack of fear of Allaah The Almighty, and
lacking due regard of the sanctity of the time and place, due to
ignorance of theSharee'ah)Islamic legislation( and following customs
and habits instead. Among the most apparent evil actions and mistakes
that are widespread inHajj:
·To commit a restriction of the state ofIhraam)sacral state(
intentionally, with noSharee'ah-approvedexcuse
·To harm Muslims through words and actions
·To refrain from advising one another and from enjoining good or forbidding evil
·To delay prayer from its due time
·To get involved in backbiting, tale-bearing, falsehood,
disputation,ill speechextravagance or stinginess in spending
·Vain trifling with food and bad manners
·Regarding sins as trivial, such as giving free rein to the sight and
hearing to what is unlawful
·Women crowding men, and disclosing what is impermissible for them to expose
·Hastiness or delaying when fulfilling the rites ofHajjin
theirSharee'ah-prescribed times, and lacking observance of the
boundaries outside which performing the rites ofHajjare not valid,
What a great loser is the one who tires himself and spends from his
property, transforms his status and appearance if he returns only with
the burden of the unlawful acts he committed and incurs upon himself
the wrath of Allaah, the Most Merciful!
Fifth: Striving in obedience and utilizing time:
In the verses which mentionHajj, there are references to urge the
slave of Allaah The Almighty to do more acts of worship at the time of
performing the rites ofHajj. An example of this is what Allaah The
Almighty mentioned )what means(:}And whatever good you do - Allaah
knows it. And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is fear
of Allaah.{]Quran 2:197[Among the most important acts of worship which
the slave of Allaah The Almighty should frequently occupy himself with
during performing the rites ofHajjare:
1-To observe the deeds of the heart: such as sincerity, love, reliance
upon Allaah, fear of Allaah, hope, honoring, submission, showing
neediness to Allaah, truthfulness in asking and supplicating Allaah,
repentance, turning to Allaah, patience, satisfaction and reassurance,
to the end of the series of those deeds in which the slave of Allaah
should engage duringHajj, since upon them Islam revolves.
Ibn Al-Qayyimsaid,"Whoever contemplates the Sharee'ah in its sources
and origins, will realize the relation between the deeds of organs and
those of hearts, and without the deeds of hearts, those of organs are
of no benefit."
2-To recite Quran andThikr)remembrance(, and ask for forgiveness:
Allaah The Almighty commanded pilgrims, in the verses that
mentionHajj, to remember Him, and ask Him for His forgiveness. Also,
the Prophet,, said, encouraging recitation ofTalbiyahandThikr:"No one
ever raises his voice with Talbiyah, nor ever says Takbeer but that he
is given the glad tidings )of entering Paradise(."]At-Tabaraani
inAl-Mu'jamAl-Awsat, and Al-Albaani inSaheeh Al-Jaami': Hasan[ it is
reported that the Prophet,, was asked:"Which pilgrim is the best?"he
said:"Whoever remembers Allaah most among
3-Striving to do good: Ibn Rajabsaid,
"Among the most comprehensive characteristics of righteousness needed
by a pilgrim is that with which the Prophetrecommended Abu Jurayy
Al-Hujaymisaying:"Do not disdain any act of goodness, even if it is to
pour water from your bucket into the utensil of a person who is
thirsty, to give the piece of rope, to give a shoelace, to move
something harmful from the way of people, to meet your brother with a
cheerful face, to meet your Muslim brother and greet him with peace,
or to ease the trouble of he who is distressed."
It is reported in anotherHadeeththat it was said,"O Messenger of
Allaah! Who is the most beloved of people to Allaah?"He said:"The most
beloved of people to Allaah is the most beneficial among them to
4-GivingDa'wahto Allaah The Almighty: Ignorance is widespread among
pilgrims, and so are a lot of religious innovations, evildoings and
errors duringHajj, which requires the religious scholars and Islamic
callers to undertake their obligatory role of guiding, counseling and
instructing, enjoining good and forbidding evil with wisdom and good
instruction, and argument in a way that is best. Shujaa' Ibn
Al-Waleedsaid,"I performed Hajj in the company of Sufyaan, and he did
not weary of enjoining good and forbidding evil during his going and
5-Supplication and imploring Allaah:Hajjis one of the great seasons of
imploring Allaah and supplication which one should utilize, and show
submission to Allaah The Almighty on it. The Prophet,, said:"The best
supplication is the supplication )on the Day of(
'Arafah."]At-Tirmithi[ he also said:"The people who perform Hajj and
'Umrah are the guests of Allaah: He called them and they answered His
call, and they asked Him, and He gave them )what they asked
for(."]Saheeh Al-Jaami', Al-Albaani:Hasan[
6- Uprightness: The evidence for theHajjthat has been accepted by
Allaah The Almighty is that the Muslim pilgrim becomes upright
afterHajj, abides by obedience and leaves disobedience. Al-Hasan
Al-Basrisaid, "The )sign of the( Hajj Mabroor is that one returns as
abstaining from the worldly life, and desirous for the Hereafter."That
is attested by the verse in which Allaah The Almighty Says )what
means(:}And those who are guided - He increases them in guidance and
gives them their righteousness.{]Quran 47:17[
So beware, lest you would destroy what you have built, disperse what
you have collected, consume what you have obtained, with the result
that you would be overturned after guidance, and regress after
attaining purity.
You also should remember thatHajjeffaces all sins committed before it;
and that by yourHajj, you return )as sinless( as when you were a
newborn child just delivered by your mother. So, beware of meeting
Allaah The Almighty after that favor with sins. Rather, open a new
page in your life with Allaah The Almighty, the content of which is
obedience, and the title of which
Spritual, General, Educational Articles,Modern science & ISLAMIC ARTICLES - { FOR ALL HUMANS } - Edited & Published By, NAJIMUDEEN M - INDIA - - -:- - - - WELCOME! ¤ AS'SALAMU ALAIKUM!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Hajj & Umrah, - Common Mistakes inthe First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - II
Secondly: Mistakes made on the Day of 'Arafah
1- Abandoning fasting:
It should be taken into consideration that the Day of 'Arafah is the
best day of the first ten days ofThul-Hijjah, and abandoning fasting
of that day is a mistake that many of those who are not granted
success to do righteous deeds commit. It was narrated on the authority
of Abu Qataadah Al-Ansaarithat the Messenger of Allaah,, was asked
about the reward of fasting the day of 'Arafah and he said:"It
expiates sins of the past year and the coming year."]Muslim[
This is prescribed for those who are not pilgrims ofHajj. As for
pilgrims ofHajj, they are forbidden to observe fasting during that
2- Neglecting or abandoning supplication:
Most people make very little supplication and some do not supplicate
at all. This is a grave mistake, because one who neglects supplication
on that day deprives oneself from the advantage of supplication during
the Day of 'Arafah. In aHadeeth, the Messenger of Allaah,, said:"The
best supplication is that of the Day of 'Arafah, and the best thing
that I and other prophets before me said, is: 'Laa illaaha illallaahu
wahdahu la shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa 'ala kuli
sha'in qadeer )There is no deity but Allaah, Alone and there Has not
partners, sovereignty and praise belong to him, and Over all things He
Is Omnipotent(."]Maalik[
Commenting on thisHadeeth, Ibn 'Abdul Barrsaid, "The Hadeeth indicates
that supplication on the Day of 'Arafah is better than supplication on
other days. This also indicates the excellence of that day over other
days. This stands as evidence that some days are better than others.
Nevertheless, this is not realized unless there is a relevant
Sharee'ah text, such as excellence of Friday, 'Aashooraa' )the tenth
day of Muharram(, the day of 'Arafah as well as Mondays and Thursdays.
None of this is realized by analogy or reasoning. The Hadeeth stands
as evidence that supplication on the day of 'Arafah is most hopeful to
be answered, and that the best Thikr is: "Laa illaaha illallaahu
)there is no God but Allaah(."]At-Tamheed[
Thirdly: Mistakes made on the Day ofNahr
1- Not to go to the place of 'Eedprayer:
Some Muslims do not go the place of'Eedprayer, particularly youths.
This is a mistake, because this day is one of the greatest days in the
Sight of Allaah The Almighty. On the authority of 'Abdullaah bin
Qurtthe Prophet,, said:"The greatest day to Allaah is the day of Nahr
and then the day of Qarr )the 11th day of Thul-Hijjah(."]Abu Daawood[
2- Putting on unclean or old clothes on the day of'Eed:
Some Muslims go out to the place of'Eedprayer with unclean clothes
under the pretext that they would shave their head, clip their
fingers, take a bath and apply perfume after slaughtering
theUdh-hiyah)the'Eedsacrificial animal(. This is a mistake, because a
Muslim should follow the example of the Messenger of Allaah,, and go
out in a good appearance and new, perfumed clothes. On the authority
of Ibn 'Umarthe Messenger of Allaah,, used to put on the best clothes
on the two'Eeds. According to some of the righteous predecessors, it
is authentically proven that the Prophet,, used to
performGhuslfor'Eed. ]Fat-hul-Baari and Al-Mughnee[
3- Eating before performing the'Eedprayer:
This is against theSunnahof the Prophet,, because it is an act
ofSunnahon'EedAl-Adh-hathat one should not eat unless he has
slaughtered his sacrifice. `Abdullah bin Buraydah narrated on the
authority of his fatherthat he said:"The Messenger of Allaahused not
to go out on the day of )'Eed( Al-Fitr until he ate, and he used not
to eat on the day of )'Eed( Al-Adh-ha until he performed prayer ."
Ibn Al-Qayyimsaid,"On the day of 'Eed Al-Adh-ha, the Prophetused not
to eat unless he had returned from prayer, then he would eat from his
Udh-hiyah."]Zaad Al-Ma'aad[
4- Not to perform the'Eedprayer in congregation:
Some Muslims do not perform the'Eedprayer in congregation under the
pretext that it is just an act ofSunnah, not an obligation. It is true
that this prayer is an act ofSunnah, not an obligation; nevertheless,
a Muslim should not abandon it if he is able to perform it.'Eedprayer
is one of the Islamic rituals that should be performed by all Muslims;
old and young, men and women. A person who abandons it without
aSharee'ah-approved justification has committed a grave mistake.
5- Abandoning the'Eed'sKhutbah)sermon(:
It is a mistake to neglect the'EedKhutbah. A Muslim should listen to
theKhutbahdue to its great excellence.
6- Abandoning theSunnahregarding going to prayer from one road and
returning from another road:
The Prophet,, used to go to the'Eedprayer through one road and return
from another road. Some Muslims do not give importance to this act
ofSunnahand this is a mistake.
7- Abandoning the'Eedgreeting:
It is a mistake to neglect greeting Muslims on the day of'Eed. It is
recommended underSharee'ahfor Muslims to exchange visits, gather and
greet each other on the occasion of'Eed. During'Eed, one could greet
other Muslims saying, for example,"May Allaah accept from us and from
you"or similar statements which include noSharee'ahviolations.
8- Visiting graves on the day of'Eed:
Some Muslims visit the graves on the day of'Eedin order to greet a
dead father or relative. This is a grave mistake, because visiting
graves on such a good day is an innovated practice that has no grounds
in theSharee'ahof Islam. The Companionsdid not do this, although they
were the forerunners to do righteous deeds. The Messenger of Allaah,,
said:"]A person[ who innovates in our matter )i.e. religion( anything
that does not belong to it, it will be rejected."]Muslim[
The Prophet,, said:"Do not make my grave ]a place for[ 'Eed"]Abu
Daawood[. Shaykhul-Islaam, Ibn Taymiyyahexplained the meaning of the
word "'Eed" in thisHadeeth, as referring to doing something on
certain occasions, or particular times of the year, month or weak, and
to repeat that act with the return of that occasion or particular day
or season. Shaykh-ul- Islam added saying that a person who has it as
habit to visit a grave on a certain time of the year, after'Eedprayer
every year, for example, has disobeyed the Prophetic commandment
expressed by theHadeeth. Shaykh-ul- Islam further explained that a
person who does this has introduced an innovated practice in our
religion, because the Messenger of Allaah,, neither did that nor
commanded us to do that; hence, doing that practice, thinking it to be
an act of obedience, contradicts the guidance of the ."
1- Abandoning fasting:
It should be taken into consideration that the Day of 'Arafah is the
best day of the first ten days ofThul-Hijjah, and abandoning fasting
of that day is a mistake that many of those who are not granted
success to do righteous deeds commit. It was narrated on the authority
of Abu Qataadah Al-Ansaarithat the Messenger of Allaah,, was asked
about the reward of fasting the day of 'Arafah and he said:"It
expiates sins of the past year and the coming year."]Muslim[
This is prescribed for those who are not pilgrims ofHajj. As for
pilgrims ofHajj, they are forbidden to observe fasting during that
2- Neglecting or abandoning supplication:
Most people make very little supplication and some do not supplicate
at all. This is a grave mistake, because one who neglects supplication
on that day deprives oneself from the advantage of supplication during
the Day of 'Arafah. In aHadeeth, the Messenger of Allaah,, said:"The
best supplication is that of the Day of 'Arafah, and the best thing
that I and other prophets before me said, is: 'Laa illaaha illallaahu
wahdahu la shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa 'ala kuli
sha'in qadeer )There is no deity but Allaah, Alone and there Has not
partners, sovereignty and praise belong to him, and Over all things He
Is Omnipotent(."]Maalik[
Commenting on thisHadeeth, Ibn 'Abdul Barrsaid, "The Hadeeth indicates
that supplication on the Day of 'Arafah is better than supplication on
other days. This also indicates the excellence of that day over other
days. This stands as evidence that some days are better than others.
Nevertheless, this is not realized unless there is a relevant
Sharee'ah text, such as excellence of Friday, 'Aashooraa' )the tenth
day of Muharram(, the day of 'Arafah as well as Mondays and Thursdays.
None of this is realized by analogy or reasoning. The Hadeeth stands
as evidence that supplication on the day of 'Arafah is most hopeful to
be answered, and that the best Thikr is: "Laa illaaha illallaahu
)there is no God but Allaah(."]At-Tamheed[
Thirdly: Mistakes made on the Day ofNahr
1- Not to go to the place of 'Eedprayer:
Some Muslims do not go the place of'Eedprayer, particularly youths.
This is a mistake, because this day is one of the greatest days in the
Sight of Allaah The Almighty. On the authority of 'Abdullaah bin
Qurtthe Prophet,, said:"The greatest day to Allaah is the day of Nahr
and then the day of Qarr )the 11th day of Thul-Hijjah(."]Abu Daawood[
2- Putting on unclean or old clothes on the day of'Eed:
Some Muslims go out to the place of'Eedprayer with unclean clothes
under the pretext that they would shave their head, clip their
fingers, take a bath and apply perfume after slaughtering
theUdh-hiyah)the'Eedsacrificial animal(. This is a mistake, because a
Muslim should follow the example of the Messenger of Allaah,, and go
out in a good appearance and new, perfumed clothes. On the authority
of Ibn 'Umarthe Messenger of Allaah,, used to put on the best clothes
on the two'Eeds. According to some of the righteous predecessors, it
is authentically proven that the Prophet,, used to
performGhuslfor'Eed. ]Fat-hul-Baari and Al-Mughnee[
3- Eating before performing the'Eedprayer:
This is against theSunnahof the Prophet,, because it is an act
ofSunnahon'EedAl-Adh-hathat one should not eat unless he has
slaughtered his sacrifice. `Abdullah bin Buraydah narrated on the
authority of his fatherthat he said:"The Messenger of Allaahused not
to go out on the day of )'Eed( Al-Fitr until he ate, and he used not
to eat on the day of )'Eed( Al-Adh-ha until he performed prayer ."
Ibn Al-Qayyimsaid,"On the day of 'Eed Al-Adh-ha, the Prophetused not
to eat unless he had returned from prayer, then he would eat from his
Udh-hiyah."]Zaad Al-Ma'aad[
4- Not to perform the'Eedprayer in congregation:
Some Muslims do not perform the'Eedprayer in congregation under the
pretext that it is just an act ofSunnah, not an obligation. It is true
that this prayer is an act ofSunnah, not an obligation; nevertheless,
a Muslim should not abandon it if he is able to perform it.'Eedprayer
is one of the Islamic rituals that should be performed by all Muslims;
old and young, men and women. A person who abandons it without
aSharee'ah-approved justification has committed a grave mistake.
5- Abandoning the'Eed'sKhutbah)sermon(:
It is a mistake to neglect the'EedKhutbah. A Muslim should listen to
theKhutbahdue to its great excellence.
6- Abandoning theSunnahregarding going to prayer from one road and
returning from another road:
The Prophet,, used to go to the'Eedprayer through one road and return
from another road. Some Muslims do not give importance to this act
ofSunnahand this is a mistake.
7- Abandoning the'Eedgreeting:
It is a mistake to neglect greeting Muslims on the day of'Eed. It is
recommended underSharee'ahfor Muslims to exchange visits, gather and
greet each other on the occasion of'Eed. During'Eed, one could greet
other Muslims saying, for example,"May Allaah accept from us and from
you"or similar statements which include noSharee'ahviolations.
8- Visiting graves on the day of'Eed:
Some Muslims visit the graves on the day of'Eedin order to greet a
dead father or relative. This is a grave mistake, because visiting
graves on such a good day is an innovated practice that has no grounds
in theSharee'ahof Islam. The Companionsdid not do this, although they
were the forerunners to do righteous deeds. The Messenger of Allaah,,
said:"]A person[ who innovates in our matter )i.e. religion( anything
that does not belong to it, it will be rejected."]Muslim[
The Prophet,, said:"Do not make my grave ]a place for[ 'Eed"]Abu
Daawood[. Shaykhul-Islaam, Ibn Taymiyyahexplained the meaning of the
word "'Eed" in thisHadeeth, as referring to doing something on
certain occasions, or particular times of the year, month or weak, and
to repeat that act with the return of that occasion or particular day
or season. Shaykh-ul- Islam added saying that a person who has it as
habit to visit a grave on a certain time of the year, after'Eedprayer
every year, for example, has disobeyed the Prophetic commandment
expressed by theHadeeth. Shaykh-ul- Islam further explained that a
person who does this has introduced an innovated practice in our
religion, because the Messenger of Allaah,, neither did that nor
commanded us to do that; hence, doing that practice, thinking it to be
an act of obedience, contradicts the guidance of the ."
Hajj & Umrah, - Common Mistakes inthe First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - I
We are passing through one of the most honorable seasons of Allaah The
Almighty -- the first ten days ofThul-Hijjah. This blessed period is
an opportunity to offer many voluntary acts of worship with which the
servant can draw himself nearer to Allaah The Almighty hoping to gain
an advantage which would entitle him to happiness in this life and in
the Hereafter. Such blessings will protect him from the agonies of
death and its severity; the grave and its darkness; and
theSiraat)Bridge( and its slips.
The first ten days ofThul-Hijjahare a favored season because numerous
different acts of worship are performed during it and this is not
possible in other seasons. Al-Haafithsaid,"The reason behind the
excellence of the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah is that they include
the fundamental acts of worship: prayer, fasting, charity and Hajj.
There is not any other time in the year when all four acts of worship
are combined."]Fat-h-ul Baari[
Given that, we would like to alert readers against some mistakes that
some Muslims make during theHajjseason, so that they know and avoid
them. Success is sought only from Allaah The Almighty!
Firstly: General mistakes
1- Paying no attention to these days:
Some people spend the ten days ofThul-Hijjahwithout paying them the
least attention. This is a manifest mistake, because such days are
greatly favored over other days. In aHadeeth)narration(, the Prophet,,
said:"There are no days on which righteous deeds are dearer to Allaah
than they are on these ten days."
2- NeglectingTasbeeh,TahleelandTakbeertherein :
Many Muslims commit this mistake during the ten days ofThul-Hijjah.
Rather, a Muslim is required to repeatTakbeer)saying:Allaah-u-Akbar(
as soon as the ten days come and to continue until the last of the
days ofTashreeq. Allaah The Exalted says )what means(:
*.}And mention the Name of Allaah on known days....{]Quran 22: 28[
*.}And remember Allaah during ]specific[ numbered days....{]Quran 2: [
Commenting on these verses, Ibn 'Abbaassaid that the known days are
the ten days ofThul-Hijjahand the numbered days are the days
ofTashreeq. ]Saheeh Al-Bukhaari[
It is reported that Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayrahused to go to the market
during the first ten days ofThul-Hijjahand reciteTakbeerand then
people would imitate them. ]Al-Bukhaari[
ForTakbeerto be valid and acceptable, it should not be recited in a
collective manner and it must not be accompanied by swinging, dancing
or music. One is also required to adhere to theAthkaar)remembrance( of
the PropheticSunnah)tradition( and avoid saying or doing anything that
might have a polytheistic connotation.
3- Women sayingTakbeerandTahleelloudly:
It is not reported that the Mothers of the BelieversrecitedTakbeerin
loud voices. Women should avoid making such mistakes as well as
4- Addition to theSunnah-approved wording ofTakbeer:
It is a mistake to add to the establishedSunnahversion ofTakbeer. The
most authentic manner ofTakbeeris:"Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar
Kabeeran )Allaah is Greatest(."]'Abdur-Raazaaq[
The same manner is also reported on the authority of Sa'eed bin
Jubayr, Mujaahid and others. ]Ja'far Al-Firyaabi[
Ash-Shaafi'iadopted this version and added:"Wa lillaahi-l-hamd )And
praise is due to Allaah(."
According to another opinion, it is:"Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar,
Allaah-u-Akbar, Laa illaaha illaallaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah
)Allaah is Greatest, there is no deity but Allaah alone and there are
no partners to Him(."
According to a third opinion, it is:"Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar,
Laa illaaha illaallaa, Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar,
Wa lillaahi-l-hamd."
This last version is reported on the authority of 'Umar and Ibn
Mas'ood. This is also the view of Ahmad and Is-haaq. ]Fat-hul Baari[
To sum up this point, there are two authentic wordings forTakbeer:
* Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar, Laa illaaha illaallaah,
wallaah-u-Akbar, wa lillaahi-l-hamd.
* Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar Kabeera.
Some books of the schools of jurisprudence, such asAl-Majmoo', mention
additions to the aforesaid manner which are inauthentic. Perhaps such
additions are said in occasions other than the first ten days
5- Fasting during the days ofTashreeq:
This is forbidden, because they are days of'Eedand during which one
eats and drinks. In aHadeeth, the Prophet,, said:"The day of 'Arafah
)the 9thday of Thul-Hijjah((, the day of Nahr ))the 10thday of
Thul-Hijjah(( and the days of Tshreeq are 'Eed for us, Muslims. They
are days for eating and drinking."]Abu Daawood[
6- Observing voluntary fasting while one is required to observe
fasting for days that were missed during Ramadan:
Some people fast one, two, three days or more during the ten days
ofThul-Hijjahwhile they are required to make up for fasts that they
missed inRamadan. This is a mistake that should be avoided, because
making up for missed obligatory fasts is an obligation while fasting
during these ten days is an act ofSunnah)Prophetic tradition( and it
is impermissible to give precedence to acts ofSunnahover obligations.
Consequently, it is obligatory for one who is required to make up for
missedRamadanfasts to observe the obligatory fasting before observing
any voluntary fasting.
Some people harbor multiple intentions when observing a single fast
in order to get multiple rewards, such as one fasting on a day while
harboring the intention of making up for a missedRamadanfast, fasting
a day ofThul-Hijjahas well as fasting on Monday or Thursday, all
intentions for only one fasted day. Such practice is ungrounded. None
of the Companionsadopted this view. Mixing acts of worship is a
serious matter and Muslims must not indulge in that.
Secondly: Mistakes made on the Day of 'Arafah
1- Abandoning fasting:
It should be taken into consideration that the Day of 'Arafah is the
best day of the first ten days ofThul-Hijjah, and abandoning fasting
of that day is a mistake that many of those who are not granted
success to do righteous deeds commit. It was narrated on the authority
of Abu Qataadah Al-Ansaarithat the Messenger of Allaah,, was asked
about the reward of fasting the day of 'Arafah and he said:"It
expiates sins of the past year and the coming year."]Muslim[
This is prescribed for those who are not pilgrims ofHajj. As for
pilgrims ofHajj, they are forbidden to observe fasting during that
Almighty -- the first ten days ofThul-Hijjah. This blessed period is
an opportunity to offer many voluntary acts of worship with which the
servant can draw himself nearer to Allaah The Almighty hoping to gain
an advantage which would entitle him to happiness in this life and in
the Hereafter. Such blessings will protect him from the agonies of
death and its severity; the grave and its darkness; and
theSiraat)Bridge( and its slips.
The first ten days ofThul-Hijjahare a favored season because numerous
different acts of worship are performed during it and this is not
possible in other seasons. Al-Haafithsaid,"The reason behind the
excellence of the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah is that they include
the fundamental acts of worship: prayer, fasting, charity and Hajj.
There is not any other time in the year when all four acts of worship
are combined."]Fat-h-ul Baari[
Given that, we would like to alert readers against some mistakes that
some Muslims make during theHajjseason, so that they know and avoid
them. Success is sought only from Allaah The Almighty!
Firstly: General mistakes
1- Paying no attention to these days:
Some people spend the ten days ofThul-Hijjahwithout paying them the
least attention. This is a manifest mistake, because such days are
greatly favored over other days. In aHadeeth)narration(, the Prophet,,
said:"There are no days on which righteous deeds are dearer to Allaah
than they are on these ten days."
2- NeglectingTasbeeh,TahleelandTakbeertherein :
Many Muslims commit this mistake during the ten days ofThul-Hijjah.
Rather, a Muslim is required to repeatTakbeer)saying:Allaah-u-Akbar(
as soon as the ten days come and to continue until the last of the
days ofTashreeq. Allaah The Exalted says )what means(:
*.}And mention the Name of Allaah on known days....{]Quran 22: 28[
*.}And remember Allaah during ]specific[ numbered days....{]Quran 2: [
Commenting on these verses, Ibn 'Abbaassaid that the known days are
the ten days ofThul-Hijjahand the numbered days are the days
ofTashreeq. ]Saheeh Al-Bukhaari[
It is reported that Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayrahused to go to the market
during the first ten days ofThul-Hijjahand reciteTakbeerand then
people would imitate them. ]Al-Bukhaari[
ForTakbeerto be valid and acceptable, it should not be recited in a
collective manner and it must not be accompanied by swinging, dancing
or music. One is also required to adhere to theAthkaar)remembrance( of
the PropheticSunnah)tradition( and avoid saying or doing anything that
might have a polytheistic connotation.
3- Women sayingTakbeerandTahleelloudly:
It is not reported that the Mothers of the BelieversrecitedTakbeerin
loud voices. Women should avoid making such mistakes as well as
4- Addition to theSunnah-approved wording ofTakbeer:
It is a mistake to add to the establishedSunnahversion ofTakbeer. The
most authentic manner ofTakbeeris:"Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar
Kabeeran )Allaah is Greatest(."]'Abdur-Raazaaq[
The same manner is also reported on the authority of Sa'eed bin
Jubayr, Mujaahid and others. ]Ja'far Al-Firyaabi[
Ash-Shaafi'iadopted this version and added:"Wa lillaahi-l-hamd )And
praise is due to Allaah(."
According to another opinion, it is:"Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar,
Allaah-u-Akbar, Laa illaaha illaallaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah
)Allaah is Greatest, there is no deity but Allaah alone and there are
no partners to Him(."
According to a third opinion, it is:"Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar,
Laa illaaha illaallaa, Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar,
Wa lillaahi-l-hamd."
This last version is reported on the authority of 'Umar and Ibn
Mas'ood. This is also the view of Ahmad and Is-haaq. ]Fat-hul Baari[
To sum up this point, there are two authentic wordings forTakbeer:
* Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar, Laa illaaha illaallaah,
wallaah-u-Akbar, wa lillaahi-l-hamd.
* Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar, Allaah-u-Akbar Kabeera.
Some books of the schools of jurisprudence, such asAl-Majmoo', mention
additions to the aforesaid manner which are inauthentic. Perhaps such
additions are said in occasions other than the first ten days
5- Fasting during the days ofTashreeq:
This is forbidden, because they are days of'Eedand during which one
eats and drinks. In aHadeeth, the Prophet,, said:"The day of 'Arafah
)the 9thday of Thul-Hijjah((, the day of Nahr ))the 10thday of
Thul-Hijjah(( and the days of Tshreeq are 'Eed for us, Muslims. They
are days for eating and drinking."]Abu Daawood[
6- Observing voluntary fasting while one is required to observe
fasting for days that were missed during Ramadan:
Some people fast one, two, three days or more during the ten days
ofThul-Hijjahwhile they are required to make up for fasts that they
missed inRamadan. This is a mistake that should be avoided, because
making up for missed obligatory fasts is an obligation while fasting
during these ten days is an act ofSunnah)Prophetic tradition( and it
is impermissible to give precedence to acts ofSunnahover obligations.
Consequently, it is obligatory for one who is required to make up for
missedRamadanfasts to observe the obligatory fasting before observing
any voluntary fasting.
Some people harbor multiple intentions when observing a single fast
in order to get multiple rewards, such as one fasting on a day while
harboring the intention of making up for a missedRamadanfast, fasting
a day ofThul-Hijjahas well as fasting on Monday or Thursday, all
intentions for only one fasted day. Such practice is ungrounded. None
of the Companionsadopted this view. Mixing acts of worship is a
serious matter and Muslims must not indulge in that.
Secondly: Mistakes made on the Day of 'Arafah
1- Abandoning fasting:
It should be taken into consideration that the Day of 'Arafah is the
best day of the first ten days ofThul-Hijjah, and abandoning fasting
of that day is a mistake that many of those who are not granted
success to do righteous deeds commit. It was narrated on the authority
of Abu Qataadah Al-Ansaarithat the Messenger of Allaah,, was asked
about the reward of fasting the day of 'Arafah and he said:"It
expiates sins of the past year and the coming year."]Muslim[
This is prescribed for those who are not pilgrims ofHajj. As for
pilgrims ofHajj, they are forbidden to observe fasting during that
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